Angel Dust is a repeat
breeding of her dam, Gypsy, to Sins. We had been so impressed with her
older full sister, Pixie Dust, that we repeated the breeding....and
Gypsy gave us quads!! Angel Dust was our choice for a keeper kid. She is
a flashy carbon copy of her older sister. She's long, level and stands
on outstanding feet and legs. Angel shows greater depth of rib and body
capacity than Pixie did at that age. We really like the way Gypsy
crosses with Sins!
We made a late season decision
last fall to breed Angel and she freshened in May with a beautiful
mammary. She shows the same strong general appearance and lovely
mammary that we have come to expect from our Sins daughters. Angel is
a smaller framed doe but we made the decision to take her to the Iowa
Spring Classic and she surprised us by winning GCH Senior doe in a large
competitive show over many lovely mature does...what a lovely surprise!!
Based on that, we also exhibited her at the National show where she was
one of the youngest, smallest does in the class and she still stood a
very respectable 13th place. We can't wait to see this lovely doe
mature and feel she will more than meet our expectations. This is one of
my personal favorite does!
To our dismay, Angel didn't
breed last fall and has milked through on her yearling record. She's
gained size and maturity so maybe the extra time was good for her. We
are definitely looking forward to having her back in the show string for
2023 and fingers crossed for a doeling to keep!
Angel had more hard luck come
her way. Ten days before her due date, she aborted with one tiny little
doeling and a whole pile of decomposed other kids. She had not started
to make milk yet and we worked with her for several weeks to bring her
to her milk for linear this year where she scored a respectable 86. The
appraiser had nothing but good things to say about her and her future
noting that she mainly just lacked capacity of mammary. Following
linear, to cut our work load, we dried her up in anticipation and with
hopes for her next lactation.
Angel thankfully had a normal
kidding this past spring but came in uneven. We made the heartbreaking
decision to leave her home from the shows so as not to stress her udder
anymore. Our fingers are crossed she will come in even in 2025.
Angel will be bred to
Clarence for March kids in a repeat breeding
of this year.
1st doe kid will be
retained. 2nd doeling/bucks $600.